Sunday, January 9, 2011

Potato Head Bali

Images: idiggitt
Potato Head Bali is the second club of that name produced by Ronald Akilia and Jason Gunawan, the first being in Jakarta. The most interesting part of the building is the entrance screen made of a myriad of recycled screens apparently from local second had shops and demolished buildings.
Visitors pass through or around a single level entry building that doubles as a shop – as you pass up a ramp, you enter through this screen and continue up inside the double skin. These clubs, similar in concept to the original KuDeTa, offer access to the beach for the public, which is being increasingly denied by large hotels commandeering beach front on the island. However, the beachside of Potato Head is less well constructed, with a large open and undefined grass area leading to a pool alongside the beach. This could have benefitted from a more structured landscape that defined a series of different spaces, and lush tropical landscape.


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